As KASNEB marks its 55th Anniversary this year, it recognises that the world and the professional environment around it especially, is changing apace. On the environmental, political, legal, social, economic and technological fronts, the typology of changes and their grand paces are disrupting almost everything in the professional environment. In particular, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4iR) is reshaping professions and presenting both challenges and opportunities.

The 55th Anniversary celebrations and the changing environment call for a meeting of professional minds, to reflect on pertinent issues on change and continuity for the 21st Century professional. Some pertinent questions are: What is the future of the professional space as we have known it, in the midst of emerging disruption? What adjustments need to be made, in order to survive the disruptions of the 21st Century? Are some of the things done by professionals becoming obsolescent? Is the risk of becoming obsolete and irrelevant more real now than ever before?

As professionals navigate this new frontier, it is essential to understand the implications of the dynamic operating environment. The conference will explore trends and their impact on various professions, offering insights into future trajectories. The conference agenda cuts across diverse professions and geographical boundaries.

Join us at PrideInn Paradise Beach Resort and Spa, Shanzu Mombasa, Kenya, from 22 to 26 July 2024, to celebrate 55 years of professional development. Together, let us navigate the complexities of the professional world and embark on this transformative journey to chart a future of innovation and resilience


Event Schedule

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Panel Session


Keynote speakers


Event Duration


Total Attendees
